Marital Status:
Personal Best:
11' 11.75" (3.65m)- collegiate
12' 4" - high school
Goal for the Season:
1.)to do better than I did last year
2.)to provisionally qualify for NCAA championships both indoors and out.
Biggest pole you've ever jumped on:
13'150 lbs.
Length of your run:
around 88'
Favorite Vaulter:
Luke Walker and Melissa Price. They have shown the
world that great polevaulters can be any size.
Favorite Place to Jump:
any place with a tail-wind and warm weather
Best Jump ever seen:
Stacy Dragila at The Pole Vault Summit in 1998 (but
I can't remember how high she jumped. 14 something I think.)
Best looking pole vaulter:
Let me look around and get back to you on
that one.
Best thing about Purdue:
I can do anyhthing I want to here and no one
from home will find out. :)
Favorite band(s)/artist(s):
Sarah McLaughlin, Jodee Messina, Dixie
Chicks, Goo-goo dolls, collective soul, and Tim McGraw
Favorite song:
currently it's number nine on collective soul's dosage cd
or number ten on the goo goo dolls latest
Favorite beverage:
water (not too exciting but I love the stuff)
snowboarding (well that used to be one), reading, dancing, and
watching Ally McBeal on Mondays
Favorite quote:
The more you live, the less
you die.
Something most people don't know about you:
when I was younger (much
younger), I used to beat up guys. Unbelievable I know, but stil true
A little note for the public:
I'd like to say hey to all the bums out on
the beach in HB. I miss you guys. Best vaulting wishes to all the
aspiring and current pole vaulters out there! And for everyone, just a
thank you for taking the time to look at all of this. :)